Our Goals

Our Goals

       The goals of the members of the Citizen's Congress are simple in concept, To come together in a forum that is comprised of people not parties. Where members will vote their individual opinions on questions constructed and posed to the members by the members. 

Votes will be tallied, recorded and presented to the country as a whole as the will of the Citizens in the Congress. Simple majorities will be compiled. Majority rules apply.

These are the goals that must be set and strived for if the very existence of the human race is to be maintained. 
  1. Freedom for all
  2. Housing for all
  3. Employment for all
  4. Education for all
  5. Health care for all
       In my plan I propose how I would go about addressing and resolving these problems. I believe there is a way to promise every child born in the near future that they will never have to fear survival as long as they are a contributing member of society. Citizens will never suffer for lack of necessity or opportunity. Their health, welfare and education will be never be a matter of cost as a citizen of America. Every citizen will be offered nothing less than truly equal opportunity.

       Sounds crazy, and it is. But being crazy doesn't mean its not possible.

